Honorary Reporters

Mar 05, 2025

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By Honorary Reporter Nasim Gerami  from Iran

Iran last month saw a vibrant explosion of color, creativity, and youthful optimism at the "Cherry Blossoms" exhibition in Tehran. 

Held at Qasr Garden Museum from Feb. 22-27, this showcase of some 130 works brought together the talents of some 100 Iranian children and teens as well as more than 10 counterparts from Seoul. 

The opening ceremony on Feb. 22 was attended by guests including Korean Ambassador to Iran Kim Jun-pyo and Kim Jong-oh, cultural attache of the Korean Embassy in Tehran. The gathering of young artists and art enthusiasts at the event also added excitement.

Korean Ambassador Kim Jun-pyo visits the exhibition. (Cultural section of Korean Embassy in Tehran)

Beyond the ceremony and turnout, the true heart of "Cherry Blossoms" lay in the works presented. Each piece offered a unique perspective on the themes of hope, joy and dreams through the symbolism of cherry blossoms.

While at the exhibition, I was struck by the diverse styles and techniques on display, from watercolor landscapes and intricate pencil drawings to bold mixed-media collages. The cherry blossom, a symbol of spring and renewal in both Korea and Iran, was a visual anchor that united the works and highlighted the shared values of the artists.

The artworks of Cherry blossoms exhibition (Photo by Nasim Gerami)

Artwork at exhibition (Nasim Gerami)


I found "Cherry Blossoms" more than just an exhibition but a symbol of hope for the future cultivated by talented youth from both countries.

Mr. ambassador and artists (Photo by cultural section of Korean embassy with permission)

Korean Ambassador Kim Jun-pyo takes a group photo with the artists and visitors to the exhibition. (Cultural section of Korean Embassy in Tehran)


*This article is written by a Korea.net Honorary Reporter. Our group of Honorary Reporters are from all around the world, and they share with Korea.net their love and passion for all things Korean.