Events at KCCs abroad

About 40 Korean language students on Thursday participated in Korean traditional games ‘Jegichagi’ and ‘Yut nori’ competition to celebrate Korea’s unique alphabet “Hangul”.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Hangul Day is celebrated every Oct. 9 in Korea to honor the institution of Korea writing script (Hangul) by King Sejong.

This annual celebration honours the creation of the Korean alphabet and its lasting impact on Korean culture and literacy. It also provides attendees with an enriching cultural experience through traditional Korean food, games, music, and dance.

The games competition, which involved some Nigerians who were currently undergoing a class in Korean language, was organized by the Korean Cultural Centre in Nigeria (KCCN) in Abuja. The aim is to enable Korean language students to join in the celebration of Hangul due to the Korean booming culture in Nigeria, and also to enlighten those students already learning Korean language.
Speaking at the event, Ms Jennifer Ezeonyeasi, Culture and Events Administrative Assistant at KCCN, said that Hangul was celebrated yearly on Oct. 9, which is declared as public holiday. “Marking this day with the Korean language students in the center will help them to remember and be aware of how the Korean alphabets came about. It will also encourage the language exchange between Nigerians and Koreans because of the synergy between both countries,” she said.

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