
Feb 25, 2025

Goryeong Daegaya Festival

The Goryeong Daegaya Festival highlights the unique history and culture of the ancient city of Daegaya, earning last year the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Award for Best Cultural Tourism Festival. 

This year, the festival returns with more diverse content and interactive programs to mark Daegaya's designation as a historic and UNESCO World Heritage site. More than just a provincial festival, it spotlights the importance of Daegaya's exquisite cultural heritage.

When March 28-30, 2025
Location Area in and around Daegaya History Theme Park & Daegaya Museum
1216 Daegaya-ro, Daegaya-eup, Goryeong-gun County, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province

Take bus #606 from Goryeong Intercity Bus Terminal and get off at Culture Nuri Bus Stop 

Contact (tel/fax/email) Tel: +82-54-950-6424
Website https://english.visitkorea.or.kr/svc/contents/contentsView.do?menuSn=586&vcontsId=197796 (English, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, French and Spanish)