
Apr 12, 2024

All Roads Lead to History, Italy and Korea
A photo exhibition in Seoul celebrates the 140th anniversary of Korea-Italy ties.

Both countries have moved forward together and maintained their amicable relationship while appreciating each other's culture and arts. This exhibition offers the experience of feeling Italy in Korea and vice versa and the historical interactions between the two nations over nearly a century and a half. 

On display are the cultural assets of Korea and Italy and beautiful media art exhibitions of cities in both countries.


Feb. 26-May 6, 2024


National Museum of Korean Contemporary History, Thematic Gallery, 3F


Gwanghwamun Station (Seoul Subway Line 5), 207 m from Exit 2 (3-minute walk)

Contact (tel/fax/email)

Tel: +82-2-3703-9200


https://www.much.go.kr/museum/foreignUserEng/exhibition/exhibitionView.do?fid=02&cid=02¶Type=engUser&exhCode=EXH_0000000209&searchKeywordFrom=&pageIndex=1&searchCondition=1&searchKeyword= (Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese)